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Innovation and Fund Management

ECDC, through the Innovation sub-unit facilitates strategic domestic and international investment into sector-driven innovation in the Eastern Cape.  ECDC aims to leverage investment into catalytic innovation projects. The Innovation sub-unit facilitates investment and growth into new industry sectors introduced by the global shift into the Fourth Industrial Revolution.


The sub-unit provides:

  • Support to catalytic projects that have potential to unlock eco­nomic activities, especially in economically depressed areas of the Eastern Cape

  • Support to projects that promote local beneficiation – diversifi­cation of the leading industry sectors of the Eastern Cape (Provincial Development Plan objective)

  • Promotion of new product development that encourages import substitution

  • Establishment and growth of a good-quality pipeline that create viable opportunities for the Development Finance and Properties Development Units, government and the provincial entrepre­neurs

  • Increased investments in high-impact projects, promoting the di­versification of the manufacturing base of the provincial economy

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