Who We Are
ECDC‘s mandate is to plan, finance, co-ordinate, market, promote and implement development of the Province and its people in the fields of industry, commerce, agriculture, transport and finance.
In pursuit of its mandate, the ECDC has the following strategic thrusts to align to the MTSF, NDP2030 and the Provincial Development Plan, guided by these Strategic Themes: (1) Economic transformation, inclusive growth and competitiveness (2) Customer focused solutions (3) Operational efficiency and financial sustainability (4) Pioneering innovation in the key growth sectors, (5) Attracting and retaining the best talent in the sector.
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In The News
The Eastern Cape One Stop Shop provides strategic guidance, reduce regulatory inefficiencies, and coordinate, fast track, unblock and reduce red tape for all investors looking to invest in South Africa and Eastern Cape thereof.
It is set up to coordinate investment centres in the special SEZs, provincial investment agencies, local authorities and the relevant government departments involved in business regulatory, registration, permits and licencing matters. Visit the InvestSA Eastern Cape Website
Watch our Videos

ECDC Export Helpdesk
The Export Helpdesk - The ECDC is in Joint partnership with Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality and the Buffalo City Municipality running the Eastern Cape Export Help Desk. The helpdesk aims at assisting local companies to start exporting as well as address the key constraints that companies face before entering the export market.
Export Information | Export Readiness Assessment Tools | Sector Report - Information on HS Codes | Development and Promotion | Market Research | Information on the dtic incentives

Ethics, Fraud & Corruption Hotline
Fraud and Corruption undermines the basic values and principles enshrined in Chapter 10 of the South African Constitution. It is detrimental to good and effective, accountable, transparent government and can hamper our service delivery, reputation and profitability.
ECDC has a policy of zero tolerance to any act of fraud, corruption (including bribery) and maladministration and any other acts of dishonesty.
Apply for:
- Eastern Cape Export Access Fund
- Eastern Cape Investment Film Fund
- Global Exporter Passport Programme
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri: 08h00 - 16h30
Contact Us
Ocean Terrace Park
Moore Street, Quigney, East London, South Africa